Wealth Accumulation
Living now. Planning for the future.
When we address the first step of Wealth Accumulation, we consider key lifecycle investments such as your first home, as well as saving and investing for your children’s education and planning confidently for retirement. By creating just the right investment strategy for you, you can be assured that you will have balance living a fulfilling, quality life today — while planning for the future needs of you and your family, tomorrow.
First, we begin by determining what your investment goals are, what your time horizon is and what the right asset allocation is for you. The investments you choose will reflect your answers to the detailed questions in a comprehensive fact-finding document given to you in our first of four meetings. It will include a comprehensive review including cash flow, life insurance, disability coverage, critical illness protection, wills, estate planning, debt management, investments and retirement savings.
Our Commitment
Our team of trusted advisors represents the epitome of their respective areas of expertise. Dream Harbour advisors Glen Dodd, Mike Tsuboi, Joe Friedt and Nels Nelsen have more than 90 years of combined experience in the financial planning arena and as such, have built long-term relationships with other elite professionals. Should your situation require consultation with lawyers, accountants, or other financial specialists, you can be assured of having people who are at the top of their field, at your disposal.
We work for YOU
Dream Harbour is an independent financial services firm owned by our Founder and Senior Wealth Advisor Glen Dodd, and President and Senior Wealth Advisor Mike Tsuboi. As we don’t answer to any bank, life insurance company or investment firm, we are able to provide you with objective and independent advice, based solely on what is best for you, our client.